LEADS Interface

Operated by the Ohio Highway Patrol, LEADS (Law Enforcement Automated Data System) provides a repository of data available statewide and interfaces to the NCIC and NLETS systems. The NORIS interface for LEADS is a user·friendly, front·end application used to interface NORIS with LEADS. Law enforcement, courts, and prosecutors can query on driving records, vehicle ownership, stolen property, missing persons, warrants, and parole status. Driver’s license images and criminal histories can also be viewed. Message switching functions provide the capability of sending criminal justice oriented messages to other criminal justice agencies within the state and throughout the county.
This system is the focal point for all data and messages entered by law enforcement agencies in Ohio. In addition to LEADS, the application also provides access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI&I), and the Interstate Identification Index (III). LEADS utilizes both NCIC and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) to process out·of·state inquires about persons, vehicles or licenses, and to send and receive administrative messages. Approximately 17,000 devices throughout Ohio access the functions associated with LEADS.